Disney, officially known as The Walt Disney Company, is a multinational entertainment and media business. The company initially gained success with its creation of the character Mickey Mouse in 1928, followed by other iconic characters such as Donald Duck and Goofy. Disney is an enormous player in fashion. Think about the numerous products that are created around for example Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Frozen, or Barbie.
Some Disney licenses:
Saborn collaboration with Disney
Disney’s other names: Marvel, Disney Pixar and Lucas
The great success of Walt Disney has resulted in merger or acquisition of other companies such as Pixar, Lucas, or Marvel. Marvel for example, is known by big household names such as Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and the Avengers.
Our close cooperation with Disney
At Saborn Trading we have had strong partnerships with Disney for years now. We develop and market a broad range of Disney apparel and accessories, such as nightwear, underwear, sweaters, t-shirts, hats, socks, and many more. Want to know more about our Disney licenses and our creative total concepts? Feel free to contact us!